Trusted Experts in Personal Injury and Medical Malpractice Law

Our team of accomplished attorneys brings experience and in-depth knowledge. We have a proven track record of successfully advocating for victims who have suffered harm due to the negligence of others or medical professionals. Our expertise extends to various types of personal injury cases, including motor vehicle accidents, slip and falls, product liability, and wrongful death. In the realm of medical malpractice, we skillfully handle cases involving surgical errors, misdiagnosis, delayed treatment, and birth injuries, among others. With our specialized focus and extensive experience in these areas, you can trust that your case is in capable hands, and we will work tirelessly to help you secure the compensation you deserve.

We help people solve their legal issues

Our dedicated team is here to provide expert guidance and support every step of the way.

Medical Malpractice

 Our experienced legal team is dedicated to advocating for individuals and families who have suffered harm due to medical negligence.

Wrongful Death

With years of experience handling wrongful death cases, we have the knowledge, resources, and expertise to navigate the complexities of these claims.

Personal Injury

If you or a loved one suffered harm in an accident, the dedicated personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Omondi Law & Associates are here to help.

Estate Planning-Wills, Medical and Durable Power of Attorney, Advance Directives

We understand the importance of creating a plan that reflects your wishes and safeguards your assets for future generations and will help guide you in making the best decisions to reach those goals.

Associations & Memberships

Our firm is proud to be actively involved in professional associations and memberships within the legal community. These affiliations allow us to stay abreast of the latest legal developments, network with esteemed colleagues, and contribute to the advancement of the legal profession.

How It Works

Our Approach


Discuss your legal concerns with our experienced team to gain clarity and insights tailored to your situation.


Collaborate with our experts to develop a customized plan of action designed to achieve your goals effectively.

Take Action

Implement the agreed-upon strategy supported by our dedicated legal team every step of the way.


Our unwavering commitment to personalized service and client empowerment. We prioritize understanding your unique needs and objectives, ensuring that you feel fully informed and confident in every decision

Texas statutes allow 2 years to file personal injury claims. However, extensive prep is often needed – don’t delay. Promptly contact us to preserve your rights, thoroughly investigate, gather evidence, and reach maximum medical recovery.

Yes, each personal injury case has unique circumstances. That’s why it’s crucial to consult with an attorney, as you may still recover damages even if partially responsible.

You likely have a claim if negligence during medical treatment caused serious or permanent harm/injuries. It’s imperative to consult a qualified medical malpractice attorney promptly. Gather medical records and proof to show the provider’s actions fell below the standard of care, resulting in significant injuries.

Medical malpractice cases pose considerable challenges for attorneys when it comes to building a strong case and proving liability. However, our team of skilled lawyers has extensive expertise in handling such cases.